Florida to receive $78 million in Hardest Hit Funding from U.S. Treasury

Hardest Hit FundThe U.S. Treasury announced this week $2 billion in funding for the Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) Program. Florida will receive $78 million in this fifth round of funding, which includes 17 states + the District of Columbia. The funds will go to Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) to continue assisting struggling homeowners and stabilizing neighborhoods in many of the nation’s hardest hit communities.

The Hardest Hit Fund was created in 2010 to provide aid to those states deemed hardest hit by the economic and housing market downturn. The 2016 funding prioritizes states that have demonstrated the ability to effectively deploy funds, with HFAs having utilized at least 50% of existing HHF allocations.

The Florida Housing Coalition notes that to date Florida’s HHF Program has assisted more than 26,000 families with committed funds totaling $667.6 million; 2nd in the country for the number of families assisted.

From the U.S. Department of Treasury press release:

State Allocations for Fifth Round Funding, Phase 1

CA     $213.5 million
IL $118.2 million
OH $97.6 million
NC $78.0 million
FL $77.9 million
MI $74.5 million
NJ $69.2 million
TN $51.9 million
OR $36.4 million
GA $30.9 million
KY $30.1 million
IN $28.6 million
AZ $28.3 million
SC $22.0 million
MS $19.3 million
RI $9.7 million
NV $8.9 million
DC $4.9 million


Read more about the Hardest Hit Fund on the U.S. Treasurywebsite.
Learn about Florida's use of the HHF on Florida Housing Finance Corporation website.


24 February 2016
Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
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