Looking Ahead: The Future of the CDFI Industry

OFN Futures Report 300wOpportunity Finance Network has published “CDFI Futures,” a report that looks at the next 20 years for the industry.

Community Development Financial Institutions, or CDFIs, are specialized financial institutions that are 100% dedicated to delivering responsible, affordable lending to help low-income, low-wealth and other disadvantaged people and communities. CDFIs are certified through the U.S. Department of Treasury.

A report has been released on CDFI Futures: An Industry at a Crossroads. This report looks back at the 30 year history of CDFIs, and builds on historical data about growth and transformation of the industry. CDFI Futures asks probing questions about what the CDFI industry might look like in the next 20 years.

Jeremy Nowak, a pioneer in the CDFI industry and current president of J Nowak Associates, authored the report that was released by Opportunity Finance Network (OFN). The report looks at questions such as:

  • Is the CDFI business model evolving?
  • What are sources of capital for CDFIs and how should they change?
  • What lies ahead for the CDFI industry?

The full report can be viewed or downloaded from the Opportunity Finance Network website, www.ofn.org/CDFIfutures

Follow tweets about this report at #CDFIFutures

30 March 2016
Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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