Sweetwater Farm receives Hillsborough County Funding

The County’s contribution enhances community education for area residents.

Sweetwater Farm Sunday MarketSweetwater Organic Community Farm is a nonprofit community-supported urban organic farm and environmental education center in Tampa. The organization’s mission is to build community through education, food accessibility, and by being a model of appropriate land stewardship and sustainable agricultural techniques. Established in 1995, Sweetwater offers educational and food accessibility programs from its 6 acres in Hillsborough County’s Town ‘N Country neighborhood.

Hillsborough County recently allocated $100,000 to Sweetwater Farm to “perpetuate and enhance its efforts to promote ecological agriculture, healthy eating, and sustainability.” Learn more in this article on the Hillsborough County website:
Nonprofit Sweetwater Farm Gets Boost from Hillsborough County
Full text of the article appears below.

Florida Community Loan Fund is a financing partner with Sweetwater Organic Community Farm. In 2020, FCLF’s loan facilitated the refinance an existing loan, helping the Farm reach their goal of paying off debts and having long-term sustainable revenue sources. Learn more about FCLF & Sweetwater Farm on our website here.

Pictured above, Sunday farmers market; below, an educational field trip. Photos from Sweetwater Organic Community Farm's website www.sweetwater-organic.org

Nonprofit Sweetwater Farm Gets Boost from Hillsborough County

Community education the central mission of Town 'N Country facility


July 16, 2021

Hillsborough County has allocated $100,000 to the nonprofit Sweetwater Organic Community Farm to perpetuate and enhance its efforts to promote ecological agriculture, healthy eating, and sustainability.

Since 1995 the urban farm on Sweetwater Creek has educated community residents, including busloads of students, about the benefits of growing and consuming their own wholesome foods. Tended solely by volunteers and funded with donations, the Town 'N Country farm at 6942 W Comanche Ave. produces organic vegetables and herbs, meaning they are grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or irradiation.

The community farm's central mission is education. It hosts classes, workshops, and events. Members donate money and labor in exchange for fresh organic produce. There's a Sunday farmers market from November to May, a music series, farm tours, and field trips for children and adults. The farm provides a venue from which eco-friendly local entrepreneurs sell organic produce, handmade arts and crafts, and other items.

The County's contribution helps ensure the 6-acre farm will keep serving and enlightening Hillsborough County residents. "This approval by the (Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners) is a testament to its commitment to Sweetwater Organic Community Farm, local farmers, the community, and the future of regenerative agriculture," says Chris Kenrick, who with his wife, Joni, took over stewardship of the farm about two years ago.

"We need more local farms and more local farmers," Chris says. "We need places for them to learn, grow, and access land."

Sweetwater Farm Field Trip

27 July 2021
Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
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