Clinton Cox Residence

clintoncox-ceii-exterior-300x200NORTHWEST REGION
FCLF LOAN $396,473
CONSTRUCTION of 12 units of Supportive Housing

“CEII believes that all persons have a right to improve their quality of life by building wealth. FCLF funding is critical to the success of the Clinton Cox Residence because of the limited income of the residents we will serve.” – James Oleksak, Executive Director 

Every year in the Florida Counties of Escambia and Santa Rosa, $8 million is spent on offenders who return to the jail system. 80% of the released inmates suffer from drug and alcohol addiction, and if untreated, most offenders re-enter the lifestyle and relationships that put them at great risk of recidivism. These problems are compounded by the lack of decent and affordable housing, a support system, and employment opportunities.

The Clinton Cox Residence will offer safe, affordable housing to formerly incarcerated men in Pensacola. With twelve one-bedroom efficiency units available for rent, the 3,000+ square-foot building will be LEED-certified and incorporate green features, making it a net zero energy building. Hand in hand with the Residence, the Clinton Cox Family Center which is located on the same street provides counseling, classes in life skills, education and vocational training, all with a goal to reduce the recidivism rate. Residents at Clinton Cox must already be a participant in Pathways for Change programs provided during their last year of incarceration. The Clinton Cox Residence is the result of a partnership between Community Enterprise Investments, Inc. (construction and development), Pathways for Change (social services provider), and Baptist Hospital of Pensacola (donation of land).

Funding for the project is provided by Florida Community Loan Fund through a construction term loan along with a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Community Enterprise Investments, Inc. (CEII) has a long history with FCLF, having been our first borrower in 1996. Since that time CEII has borrowed from FCLF on 7 separate occasions. CEII works to revitalize economically depressed neighborhoods and communities in North Florida and Southern Alabama, through a combination of small and micro business lending programs and affordable housing development, including homes for veterans and formerly homeless.

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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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