Good News Outreach

Good News Outreach Maryland Oaks NORTHWEST REGION
FCLF LOANS $1.4 million
5 LOANS for Acquisition/Rehab
30 jobs created  
48 rental homes for formerly homeless




Since 1989, Good News Outreach (GNO) has provided services in the Tallahassee and Big Bend areas, such as:

  • Food outreach & soup kitchen, providing meals and bags of food for home preparation;
  • Elder services, providing companionship and material assistance to 100+ seniors;
  • Housing & counseling for former inmates through a prison re-entry program;
  • Supportive rental housing for formerly homeless: one facility for men, one for primarily women & children.

Good News Outreach, a faith-based nonprofit organization, touches the lives of thousands of individuals each year through its facilities and partnerships with many area churches, businesses, civic groups, and local government agencies.

Florida Community Loan Fund has provided $1.4 million in loans since 2002, for projects totaling over $3 million. These loans have financed the housing programs provided by Good News Outreach: Maryland Oaks helps formerly homeless families, primarily women and children, with housing and social services; and Mission Oaks Apartments provides housing and services to formerly homeless men. A 2015 loan from FCLF helped to consolidate other smaller loans, thereby reducing GNO’s monthly payments which will allow funds to go directly into repair and maintenance of existing rental properties.

At FCLF we provide not only financing, but also expertise, to our borrowers. In the most recent transaction with Good News Outreach, FCLF worked with Florida Housing Coalition to jointly provide technical assistance to GNO. The assistance was designed to support GNO’s debt reduction strategies, improve their financial reporting, and help develop a strategic plan as the organization continues to reach out to the homeless and others in need in the Tallahassee area. 

For more information, visit

To view more photos, visit our Flickr page for Good News Outreach.

FCLF Borrower, Good News Outreach   FCLF Borrower, Good News Outreach   GoodNewsOutreach

Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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