SMASH service day participationSOUTH REGION
$776,200 FCLF financing (3 loans)

Acquisition / rehab of multifamily housing
9 units of affordable housing

"We could not have completed this transaction without a group of people who understands the gravity of the housing crisis in Miami and the impact that this housing will have. Thank you." – Adrian Alberto Madriz, Co-Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure

SMASH – Struggle for Miami’s Affordable and Sustainable Housing, Inc. – was formed in 2015 by community residents who came together to challenge poor housing conditions and advocate for improvements. The organization has a vision of a city free of slumlords and climate gentrification and where housing is a human right. SMASH has played an integral part in the development of the Miami Housing Justice Agenda which was a broad community-based initiative actively developed with a broad range of support including Miami Homes for All, Greater Miami Housing Alliance, FIU Metropolitan Center, City of Miami Connect Capital Initiative, among others.

Over time, SMASH has broadened its focus to include developing affordable housing under a Community Land Trust model. With financing from Florida Community Loan Fund, SMASH purchased a previously leased home which provides co-housing space for low-income adults who contribute a portion of their time to volunteer with SMASH in community outreach and organizing. The property is a 2-story structure, originally built in 1951, and it underwent extensive renovations prior to purchase by SMASH. Additional financing was provided by Solar Energy Loan Fund.

This 6-bedroom house is located in Miami’s Liberty City, a historically African-American neighborhood. The census tract is low-income, 99% minority, with 57% of the population below the poverty line, and median income at just over $23,000 – only 1/3 of the Area Median Income (AMI). Like other traditionally underserved neighborhoods that are close to the center of Miami, this area has seen significant speculation of real estate, both residential and commercial, with property values rising dramatically over the last 10 years.

With a second loan from FCLF, SMASH purchased a single-family home adjacent to the house described above. This home, built in 1939 and recently modernized and updated, will provide housing for 3 young adults who are at risk for homelessness.

SMASH hopes to replicate the co-housing model with the purchase of additional properties in low-income areas of Miami. This loan from FCLF helps the organization keep operating costs down so they can support their mission and continue this planned expansion.

Pictured above, SMASH Juneteenth day of service. Below, a home under renovation with FCLF financing.

SMASH exterior sample home

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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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