A Picture Perfect Home, from Neighborhood Renaissance

Neighborhood Renaissance, an FCLF partner in southeast Florida, recently shared this success story about a new homeowner in the Art Lofts of West Village. Florida Community Loan Fund (FCLF) provided construction financing for this project. Read the full story at Picture Perfect Home. Learn more about Neighborhood Renaissance at www.neighborhoodrenaissance.org. Learn more about FCLF's Partnership wtih Neighborhood Renaissance here.

NR ArtLofts LemirePicture Perfect Home

Meet the newest resident of the Art Lofts of West Village located in Lake Worth Beach, artist Brittany Lemire.

Ms. Lemire is a photographer who recently purchased her very own work-live space near downtown Lake Worth.   Although Ms. Lemire was not in the market for a home, she happened to see the Neighborhood Renaissance listing and fell in love.   "I really enjoy the location. It is right near downtown and only a 5-minute drive to the beach.   The home itself is truly a perfect fit for me. The industrial style first floor is to be used for my photography and I feel this home is such a gift as it allows me to work out of my home with a studio of my own!" Ms. Lemire exclaimed.    

Given her limited income, the current real estate market presented challenges for Brittany, which explains why she believed homeownership was impossible for her. After contacting Neighborhood Renaissance, the organization introduced Brittany to an opportunity to make the live-work townhome affordable through down payment assistance provided by Palm Beach County. Brittany explained, "If it wasn't for the assistance I received, I would still be renting instead of owning my own home. It has been a true honor to work with the staff at Neighborhood Renaissance. They are advocates for potential buyers and I would absolutely recommend them, especially for what they do for communities."

Neighborhood Renaissance developed the West Village Art Lofts, with eight, three-story townhomes and a 2,000 sq. ft. commercial building through a partnership with the Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency. All of the townhomes have been sold with four purchased by low-income working artist households with down payment assistance from Palm Beach County and four purchased by moderate-income artist households.

neighborhood renaissance logo

17 August 2019
Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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