Central Florida Health Care Hosts Visit from Rep. Darren Soto

Rep. Soto at Central Florida Health CareDarren Soto, U.S. Representative, Florida District 9, visited Central Florida Health Care's Haines City Clinic in August 2021 to encourage Floridians to receive the COVID-19 vaccine which is available from Central Florida Health Care and many other FQHCs around the state. As part of National Health Center Week, Central Florida Health Care presented Congressman Soto with a certificate to show appreciation for his dedicated service to the community. 

Central Florida Health Care encourages everyone to consider getting vaccinated to continue slowing the spread of the virus. Visit their website, www.cfhconline.org, to learn more about COVID-19 and the vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines are available for ages 12 and older at many Central Florida Health Care health centers and its mobile clinic that visits several cities a week. Shots are at no charge, and appointments can be made easily by calling 866.234.8534.

A Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) is a community-based organization that provides comprehensive primary care and preventive care, including health, oral, and mental health/substance abuse services to people of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status.

FQHCs serve as the primary care provider for more than 27 million people in 10,400 rural and urban communities across America, according to the Lenders’ Coalition for Community Health Centers. Since the nation’s first health centers opened in 1965, the federally-supported community health center system has grown to over 1,400 organizations that deliver affordable high quality health care to more than 27 million people. Health centers help increase access to crucial primary care by reducing barriers such as cost, lack of insurance, distance, and language for their patients.

Florida Community Loan Fund has provided financing for several FQHCs and other healthcare organizations throughout Florida, from both our New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) and Community Development financing. With NMTC financing through FCLF, Central Florida Health Care was able to purchase and renovate new and existing properties, resulting in 4 new health clinics in Polk and Highlands Counties. Learn more about this project on our website here, and through a video here.

View more photos of Rep. Soto’s visit to Central Florida Health Care on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CentralFloridaHealthCare

Pictured above, Rep. Soto receives a certificate of appreciation from Central Florida Health Care, Inc. Below, Rep. Soto toured the Haines City health clinic to promote the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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25 August 2021
Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
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