Little Haiti Gateway

LittleHaitiGateway cottage 300x200SOUTH REGION
FCLF LOAN $1.7 million
Florida Preservation Fund Loan
for renovation of 80 affordable rental apartments


"As a mission driven developer, we celebrate every opportunity to provide permanent supportive housing for the homeless - each property, whether new or renovated, takes us one step closer to preventing or ending homelessness." – Stephanie Berman-Eisenberg, President & CEO


Little Haiti is a well-established neighborhood of Miami, with a mix of single family and multi-family homes as well as businesses. The area is predominantly low-income; once known for high crime and drug use, over the last few years the area has undergone a transformation as homes are renovated and the area is improved under a City of Miami redevelopment plan.

The Little Haiti Gateway complex was built around 40 years ago and has 80 rental apartments. It consists of 8 single story "cottage" style buildings and one 2-story building that have been preserved, renovated, and designed with a Caribbean flair. Carrfour Supportive Housing purchased the complex in 2003, and after renovation 70 of the units were offered to formerly homeless individuals and families, with the remaining 10 units serving low-income residents. Amenities include a computer room, library, exercise facility, clubhouse, and a covered picnic pavilion and barbeque area. In addition to providing safe, affordable furnished housing for those at risk of homelessness, Little Haiti Gateway also offers services through Carrfour including life skills, job search and placement, and referrals as needed.

A loan of $1.7 million from FCLF will refinance a loan that renovated the Little Haiti Gateway apartment complex. Carrfour Supportive Housing has also had loans from Florida Community Loan Fund dating to 2002 and totaling $329,500, which financed over 300 rental units, some for formerly homeless and others for low-income. Formerly homeless individuals are expected to contribute 30% of their income towards rent.

Carrfour Supportive Housing is a nonprofit organization established in 1993 by the Homeless Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. Carrfour develops, operates and manages innovative housing communities for individuals and families in need through a unique approach combining affordable housing with comprehensive, on-site supportive services. As the leading not-for-profit provider of supportive housing in Florida, Carrfour Supportive Housing currently oversees an inventory of over 1,742 units of supportive housing across Miami-Dade County, serving approximately 3,300 residents. In total, Carrfour has provided affordable and permanent housing for more than 10,000 formerly homeless men, women and children since its founding.

This project has a significant social impact on the community as it serves a highly vulnerable population of formerly homeless and those at risk of homelessness. In addition to providing housing, Carrfour provides services to directly improve the lives of the individuals and families.

LittleHaitiGateway apt bldg 300x200Read more about FCLF and Little Haiti Gateway in this success story.
To view more photos of Little Haiti Gateway, view our Flickr page.

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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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