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Central Florida Health Care will renovate 4 locations, serving up to 5,000 additional low-income patients in South Central Florida.
Dozier Apartments, developed by Operation New Hope, will provide affordable rental homes in Jacksonville’s Historic Springfield neighborhood.
Good News Outreach serves individuals, families, and children in the Tallahassee area with housing and social services. …
Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County has helped over 100 families to purchase safe, decent, affordable homes.
Showpeople's Winter Quarters will offer affordable housing options to performers who have halted travels due to age or health problems.…
Griffin Heights provides affordable rental homes in rural Florida counties.
House of Israel provides a safe home and counseling to women who want to start a new life.
St. Johns Housing Partnership, headquartered in St. Augustine, creates a positive impact on affordable housing and affordable living.
Using the NMTC Program for financing, the Jessie Ball duPont Fund is redeveloping this historic building into a non-profit hub.
Woodlawn Community Academy provides individualized education for exceptional students in Pinellas County.
Metropolitan Ministries is expanding the Tampa campus and broadening outreach in Pasco County through the NMTC Program. FCLF provided $11…