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For media inquiries please contact Janet de Guehery, or 407.246.0846.
To view videos, visit FCLF's YouTube channel.
To download fact sheets about FCLF programs and impact, visit our Publications & Resources page.
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Cindy Ross, FCLF Community Development Loan Officer, is mentoring homeless youth through a program in Hillsborough County – Starting Right, Now.
Orange County Community Development hosts the national NACCED Conference in Orlando, and FCLF supports the event as a sponsor.
FCLF Supports the annual Southeast Institute on Homelessness & Supportive Housing as a Leader Sponsor.
The Transition House, an FCLF borrower headquartered in St. Cloud, has been featured on the Create Jobs for USA website.
Florida Community Loan Fund Supports a New NMTC Project with $20 million in credits to Camillus House, Miami.
Florida Community Loan Fund has been nominated as part of the Chase Community Giving Program; voting takes place September 6-19,…
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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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